Loot and Not So Loot
So I took apart the force field generator. You know, the one I nearly got arrested for. The one that Helmsbot and BosunBot died for. The one that caused me to sleep in the woods and eventually ran me into the newest member of my crew. You know, that one?
Well it good news is that it does work. I flip it on and it took a full blast from my laser rifle without even a jolt. Then I used my laser sword on it, and even tossed one of my left over grenades at it. The field held up fine though my test subject, Angela, was pale as a sail since all these weapons were pointed at her. See girl, it ain't all fun and games working for a super villain.
The bad news is that it only works for an hour and then it needs to be recharged. You can plug it into a normal outlet believe it or not, which was certainly thoughtful of the scientists to make such an easy to steal prototype. The thing is, it takes ten freaking hours to recharge, and it won't let you use it before it's fully recharged as a 'safety feature'. I am so disabling that when I figure out how.
Stealing such a piece of quasi crap has got me itching to steal something simple like, lots and lots of cash I can stuff down the pants of a male dancer. If you work near large amounts of cash, you may want to take tomorrow off, I'm just saying.
Well it good news is that it does work. I flip it on and it took a full blast from my laser rifle without even a jolt. Then I used my laser sword on it, and even tossed one of my left over grenades at it. The field held up fine though my test subject, Angela, was pale as a sail since all these weapons were pointed at her. See girl, it ain't all fun and games working for a super villain.
The bad news is that it only works for an hour and then it needs to be recharged. You can plug it into a normal outlet believe it or not, which was certainly thoughtful of the scientists to make such an easy to steal prototype. The thing is, it takes ten freaking hours to recharge, and it won't let you use it before it's fully recharged as a 'safety feature'. I am so disabling that when I figure out how.
Stealing such a piece of quasi crap has got me itching to steal something simple like, lots and lots of cash I can stuff down the pants of a male dancer. If you work near large amounts of cash, you may want to take tomorrow off, I'm just saying.
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