Captain's Log

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Anchors Away!

I need to get out of the hideout. Ever since I was nearly killed by artificial germ strippers, I have been avoiding the bars and usual sources of recreation. It's hard to get liquored up and flirt with pretty men when you're worrying that they might dissolve into something acidic. Because I am not up to four in the morning with handsome guys, I'm getting up around nine or ten every morning. Nine in the freaking morning!

So I have all day to kill. I'm sitting on literally bags of cash so there is no need to do a heist. I've got a source working on the one lead I have to find the General Surgeon, so no work there. With heroes like the Choice out there mad at me, I can't exactly go cruising and see the sights in Comfort Bay. Pirating movies off the internet can only entertain you for so long.

Let me tell you how bored I was today. I spent six hours working on a deathtrap for my hideout. A freaking DEATHTRAP. My hideout is an old warehouse with a nice lobby area for an entrance. It occurred to me today that when someone breaks into my hideout, odds are they going through the lobby. Any super villain worth their salt has to trap such an obvious traffic point. If I don't, it would be like I wasn't taking my own hideout seriously.

For an hour I set up a nasty array of lasers and triggers. Right as I was about finished, something occurred to me. My Bots all have lasers. I carry two lasers. The 'Lustful Raider' has a hidden laser. If someone did break into my hideout, they are most likely expecting lasers. Someone like Upgrade or even Frost Sting would be smart enough to rig up some laser protection. I had to go with something else.

I debated setting up some sort of pit trap with water that would flood and drown my invaders. I ruled that out when I realized that moving floor parts with plumbing might be a bigger job than me and my Bots could handle. Next I considered some poison gases, an exploding barrel and even a cannon that was rigged to go off but they sounded stupid once I started sketching them out.

Finally, it dawned on me. I had that big stupid anchor I bought. It weighed tons! It was looking real nice in my main lair, but it could also double as a conversation piece in the lobby. My Bots wrangled it over the doorway leading to the rest of the hideout and CabinBot even hung a few decorative nets around it. Then I put my technical knowledge to work and rigged up a combination motion sensor/wireless scanner to drop the big bastard if anyone walks by it.

*Fun Scarlett Drake Fact! All the Bots have an identifying signal that I use my cybernetic wrist controller to communicate with. The communicator, also known as my Captain's Whistle, also emits a special frequency that lets the Bots home in on me if I need a rescue. This is the signal the anchor trap scanner looks for to determine if something is friend or foe.*

So there, I have rigged my first deathtrap for my lair. A giant anchor that if I am lucky, will crush some nosy hero and if I am unlucky, will make a crapload of noise when it drops so I can get ready.

Gods, I need to find something better to do with my time.


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