Captain's Log

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A Port to Call Home

When I decided to return to my life of crime, I thought long and hard on which city to plunder. Ideally you would think a villain would keep moving and strike one city after another but that way leads to a very quick crossover doom. Heroes LOVE to work together and as soon as you cross from one hero's backyard into another, then you have an excited duo barrelling down on you thinking you're trying to take over the world. As crazy as it sounds, it's safer to stay in one area and risk having the local heroes get to know you then it is to excite an entire coast.

Part of picking a city is also picking what hero you want to deal with. If you don't want to get beaten for a solid ten minutes by a crazed psycho with a leather fetish, don't operate out of Windy City, you know what I mean? I also avoided any places that had large teams operating in the area as I have no desire to relive my Meta-Corp smackdown. I prefer my heroes one at a time thank you.

In the end I decided on Comfort Bay. Even though I am not a pirate with a ship per say, I would like to eventually build one and really attack the city in style. Comfort bay is a nice large southern port city with mild weather which is a big plus. Never repair a cold Bot with your bare hands let me tell you. Port cities are also good for their large warehouse districts that always have a spare warehouse or two for hideouts. I swear, if I was a hero I would just buy up empty warehouses and cut the crime down by 70%.

The other thing I like about Comfort bay is their small hero population. I don't know if it's just Georgia, but heroes just don't seem to hang around in southern towns unless they're magic types haunting in New Orleans. Comfort Bay has a grand total of three known heroes- The Choice, a black martial arts woman with a political streak, Frost Sting, the blonde mistress of giving people frostbite and finally, Upgrade, a battlesuit guy with lots and lots of sexy gadgets. I saw him using his rapid pulse beam on that crazy Sludge monster on CNN and I knew his wrists lasers had to be mine. His jetpack's kind of sleek too. I wouldn't mind peeling that armor off of him and finding out what makes it tick.

Ahem, anyway, three heroes is nothing. Odds are the Choice will be busy marching somewhere important, Frost Sting's ice powers can't be that useful in a hot city like Comfort Bay and Upgrade, well I see him more like walking treasure than anything else. I sense easy pickings.


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